• Apple, cinnamon and maple muffins

    • Prep time: 20 minutes
    • Cook time: 20 minutes

     Is there anything better on a wet, cold afternoon than sitting down with a cup of hot tea and a muffin, putting your feet up and settling in to watch some old rubbish on TV for an hour? Or how about treating yourself to a muffin with your coffee on…

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  • Herb and cheese topped focaccia

    • Prep time: 2 hours 15 minutes
    • Cook time: 25 minutes

    I was always (and still slightly am) terrified of making bread. I never really listened to my mum when she was trying to teach me about cooking and baking – mostly because I was a petulant teenager who knew everything and wanted to spend my time out with my friends,…

    See Full Recipe
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