• Site Maintenance


    Just to make all you lovely people who visit the site aware, Dizzy Delights will be undergoing some live maintenance over the next few weeks. This means that the site will still be live and you will still be able to view recipes and posts but you may find that there are pictures missing or strange empty boxes lying around on pages. Visitors are still more than welcome but please don’t think that it’s another rubbish, neglected or abandoned blog that has been left to rot instead of just being taken down and deleted! We’re still here and coming up…

    See Full Recipe
  • I’m Still Here!


    I apologise that it’s taken me a while to write this. Life has been crazy over the last several months and, let’s say things haven’t quite gone according to plan! Let me explain…. So, we were in our lovely flat in Plymouth just living life quite happily when our landlady…

    See Full Recipe