About Me

A picture of Hazel

Hi and welcome to the site! I’m Hazel, I’m 43 and live in the South East of England with my partner Kieran and our crazy cat Luna. I have Meniere’s Disease.

Those of you who’ve visited the site before may be thinking that things look and seem a little different – don’t worry, you are in the right place but yes, things have indeed changed a bit!

When I started the site a little over a year ago, it was supposed to be a blog to kind of journal my struggle with losing weight (and keeping it off) with Meniere’s Disease – which makes it really hard to exercise, because of the vertigo, and really easy to loads of comfort food and cake! Whilst this struggle is still very much ongoing, I feel like basing the site so much around it had restricted what I could share in terms of recipes.

I mean, if you came across a food blog where the blogger was supposedly constantly preoccupied with shedding the pounds, and then went to their recipe index to find that the biggest categories were cakes, snacks and pastas loaded with double cream and oodles of cheese – well, most of us try not to judge but….

So, I decided to do a little bit of a rebrand. The idea of the Dizzy Dieter site WAS originally for it to predominantly be a food blog. I wanted to involve Meniere’s Disease because it’s such a huge influence on my diet and cooking, as well as being part of my everyday life and I will continue to do that but I believe removing the “Dieter” element will allow me a little more freedom in what I share with you. So, please welcome…… Dizzy Delights!!

I’m not always going to stick to healthy food – I’ve made my peace with that and I’m not going to beat myself up about it when I have so much else to deal with. This way I can do what I love – create quality, delicious recipes and write what are (hopefully) entertaining/interesting posts about them to share – without feeling any guilt or worry about what I’m posting being contrary to the ethos and spirit of the site

To sum up – I’m still Dizzy (unfortunately), I’m still Dieting (sigh) and I’m still in the kitchen (woo-hoo!) creating and perfecting recipes to share. Hope you love the new site experience and a huge welcome (or welcome back) to Dizzy Delights! Enjoy DDx


** If you have a vestibular condition, have a loved one who does or are just interested in finding out more, please click here to visit the Meniere’s Society website. They are a wonderful charitable society providing support to people like me who have a vestibular condition as well as information that they can share with their families, employers etc. They do not receive any government funding and rely entirely on donations, memberships, fundraising activities and merchandise sales for income.**