
  • Chocolate Lava Muffins


    If ever there was a labour of love in cooking it is these muffins! We’ve been through so many remakes and tweaks that you wouldn’t even believe. All I wanted was a nice fluffy chocolatey muffin with a marmalade centre and they’ve taken so long to get right. Make no mistake though, now they are oh so right! The muffin is light and fluffy but dark and chocolatey and the hit of zesty orange from the marmalade is just right. Marmalade is another of those things, you love it or hate it. I’m with Paddington Bear – I love it.…

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  • Home-made Scotch Eggs


    When the summer approaches, we start to think about picnics and trips to the beach. While my ability to partake in such outings depends on Meniere’s Disease, we do get to do it sometimes and so I decided to have a go at making my own Scotch Eggs for when…

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  • Cheese, Tomato and Caramelised Onion Quiche


    Summer is a difficult time for a lot of people with chronic conditions and I am no exception. Even before being diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease, I disliked hot weather but now I really hate it. The heat aggravates my symptoms and where most people live for those few months of…

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  • Strawberry and Fresh Cream Cupcakes


    As everyone in the whole galaxy will know, her Majesty’s Jubilee celebrations have been going on all this week (at time of writing). Despite not being able to go up to London or join in with any of the various street parties and festivities happening around Plymouth, I felt like…

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  • Special Spiced Fruit Scones


    Warning – seriously controversial subject matter ahead! Are they scones (to rhyme with bones) or scones (to rhyme with bons)? The debate rages on through the generations. I grew up with two opposing views – Mum said it was scones (like bons) and Dad said it was scones (like bones).…

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  • Chocolate Orange Drizzle Loaf


    To paraphrase a well-known and favourite Friend “What’s not to like – chocolate gooooood, orange gooooood, cake gooooood”! You’ve got to love Joey’s thinking when it comes to food. This is a real favourite of mine because for some reason the flavours of chocolate and orange together just scream “Christmas”…

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