
  • Raspberry and Lemon Meringue Blondies


    Brownies are probably one of the most popular sweet treats around but I’ve always found them to be the opposite of what I expect and want. They are dry and crumbly when they should be moist and gooey, and dark and bitter when they should be sweet and chocolatey. I…

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  • Bacon, stilton and onion muffins


    Cheese muffins are one of the first things I learned to bake by myself. Of course, they weren’t anything like these – they were just simple plain muffins with a bit of paprika and some cheddar cheese. To be perfectly honest, I would probably be about 100 stone lighter today…

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  • Mediterranean vegetable crustless quiche


    As you may have gathered from some of the recipes that I’ve put up so far I am a big fan of Mediterranean style food and recipes – specifically Italian (with bits and pieces from elsewhere). This is something that has happened fairly recently. I’ve always been a huge pasta…

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  • Onion and carrot mini bhajis


    I’m going to be totally honest with you here – I would literally live on Indian food if I could do so and still lose weight. Seekh kebabs, tikka masala, bhajis…. mmmm I’m drooling on the keyboard just thinking about it! It is my go-to takeaway (also its one of…

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  • Sausage rolls with onion and apple


    My mum used to make sausage rolls for Christmas every year. They were absolutely delicious, but I used to think she was crazy when it was so much easier to buy them – especially when there is SO much else to do for Christmas. That opinion persisted for years (despite…

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  • Banana and chocolate loaf cake


    I don’t know about you but I always seem to find that we have bananas that are past their best and need using or chucking away. I hate wasting food and decided to spend some time coming up with a few different recipes to use up those brown spotty bananas.…

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