
  • Roasted Pepper and Rocket Quiche


    We’ve made a few recipes with roasted peppers, and almost always have a jar of the shop-bought ones in the fridge. They go really well in pasta, risottos and many other things, and are a really handy store cupboard ingredient to have in your kitchen. This quiche isn’t made with the shop-bought peppers. They are a great ingredient but there are times when only the real thing will do. The original idea was a creamy roasted pepper sauce to stir through pasta with some diced chorizo – the contrast of the sweetness of the peppers versus the salty/spicy taste of…

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  • Baked Feta and Cherry Tomato Pasta


    I don’t use Tik-Tok. It’s not my kind of thing – if I’m honest I’ve only learned how to use Instagram and Twitter since doing the Dizzy Dieter. I’m really glad I am on Instagram because it’s like a scrolling feed of inspiration. Whenever I’m stuck on writing an article,…

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  • The Dizzy Dieter’s Macaroni Cheese


    People’s opinions on the seasons are split and the majority split is in favour of the summer and the warm weather. They come alive in the summer and start socialising, having BBQs, having days out and going to the beach. Whilst I am a great lover of the beach, I…

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  • Feta, Courgette and Aubergine Pasta


    Say hello to one of my very favourite pastas. This has it all – fresh, flavourful and packed with veggie goodness but so tasty and filling that you don’t feel that you’re eating something that’s really pretty good for you! It’s also something I can happily eat on a hot…

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  • My sort of traditional Pizza Margherita


    Cooking is individual to the cook – we all follow recipes from other people but, as we learn we start to develop our own methods and techniques for doing things and our own ideas about flavour combinations and what tastes good and that’s when you become a fully fledged chef.…

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  • Melting Mozzarella Meatball Pasta


    Pasta and meatballs always, for me at least, conjures up the picture from Lady and the Tramp where they are sharing a romantic moment over a plate of pasta. I prefer to enjoy mine from the comfort of my sofa than in a back alley behind a restaurant surrounded by…

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