
  • How To Make: Spaghetti Bolognese


    As a household we seem to eat less and less meat as time goes on, not through any conscious decision or financial constraint but through learning to use and enjoy vegetables, pulses and particularly fish. A few years ago, we were eating a meat-based meal 6-7 days a week; nowadays it’s maybe 1-2 meals a week and I really don’t miss it at all! One meat-based meal we do still eat regularly is Bolognese. I’m not a huge meat lover anymore but I still enjoy this meal and it’s one of Kieran’s absolute favourite meals. The speed at which he…

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  • Anchovy-Free Salsa Verde


    There are so many different versions of salsa verde served up across the Mediterranean with variations of ingredients with Spanish versions including green tomatoes! I wanted to make something in the realms of an Italian salsa verde but without the anchovies – years of working in a pizza restaurant and…

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