
  • Roasted Pepper and Rocket Quiche


    We’ve made a few recipes with roasted peppers, and almost always have a jar of the shop-bought ones in the fridge. They go really well in pasta, risottos and many other things, and are a really handy store cupboard ingredient to have in your kitchen. This quiche isn’t made with the shop-bought peppers. They are a great ingredient but there are times when only the real thing will do. The original idea was a creamy roasted pepper sauce to stir through pasta with some diced chorizo – the contrast of the sweetness of the peppers versus the salty/spicy taste of…

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  • Home-made Scotch Eggs


    When the summer approaches, we start to think about picnics and trips to the beach. While my ability to partake in such outings depends on Meniere’s Disease, we do get to do it sometimes and so I decided to have a go at making my own Scotch Eggs for when…

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