
Recipes containing chicken

  • My Easy-Peasy Hunter’s Chicken


    Hunter’s chicken is based around an Italian dish – chicken cacciatore which has origins somewhere around the 16th century. It’s one of those classic, rustic dishes which are so simple, filling and delicious and just increase my ever-growing love for Italian cuisine. That being said, I’m fairly sure if any Italian nonna stumbles across my far-from authentic version with a sauce based mostly around tomato ketchup, I will get a hearty smack round the head! (But Nonna, it tastes so good….) Like so many of these historic Italian based dishes (and my rather non-historic version of them) this is just…

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  • Bulgur Wheat and Poached Chicken Salad


    We love bulgur wheat. I’ve written about it before in passing as an accompaniment to my Chilli Con Carne but here it’s much more of a main event, as it deserves. Since I was introduced to it, we have made some of-the-top-of-your head kind of salads with it, as well…

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